Monday, May 08, 2017

Religion and Empathy

Today let's talk religion.

What do you think of when the word 'religion' comes to mind? Do you think of a god? Its followers - Christians/Muslims/Jews/Buddhists? Or going to a church/temple/mosque? While these are all true, it merely grazes the surface of the purpose that a religion is supposed to fulfil.

I believe, in its fundamental essence, religion is meant to help us lead peaceful and happy lives. Each and every religion, despite having different beliefs, teaches the same values of love, compassion and forgiveness. But have we all forgotten that?

It is so easy to live under the impression that there is this religion and that religion, and that these religions are different - so different that they are opposed to each other. Religion has become something we identify with instead of something we practice. Our intolerance has ended up splitting instead of uniting the world. We began putting labels on people, "oh she's Muslim, ah he's Christian", and forgot that above it all, we are but humans. And this doesn't pertain only to religion. Any differences we can find, we shun.

These labels have become the scapegoat for all the problems we face in today's world. 

The crises we face are not exclusive to the perpetrator's religion or race. Let's stop this division between "us" and "them" and recognise that we have so much more in common. That through it all, there is one thing that binds us humans together - our ability to empathise. Empathy constitutes being kind, understanding and respectful towards one another and it is so important to exercise it in everything we do.

We are able to exist in this world and live our comfortable lives because of the kindness of others. 

We receive benefit from so many people we don't even know. Look around, everything we use comes due to the kindness of others - the construction workers who built the house we live in, the farmers who grew vegetables that keep us healthy, the electricians, plumbers, bus drivers and so forth all play important roles that enable the society to run smoothly. Therefore, how is it fair that we judge others and put labels on them just because they are doing more menial jobs than us or just simply different from us? That's just being terribly ungrateful.

There are many good things that being empathetic will bring. By letting people know that they are accepted and loved, we provide a safe environment where they will be able to bring out the best in themselves. We enjoy the peace and harmony we do in Singapore because we acknowledge the importance of respecting one another despite our differences in race, religion and gender. When we share a mutual understanding for one another, it is likely that others will be more forgiving towards your mistakes and shortcomings as well. It's much like a never ending cycle of positivity - be kind to others and receive that kindness in return.

Look past the labels that we put on one another. Respect that people have different paths in life. It doesn't matter whatever faith you believe in, all that matters is that it makes you a better person. When that happens there will be no religion, just a better world for everyone.

Seven Tips for a Happy Life by Ven Thubten Chodron
No Religion by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

The Meaning

You are ready and able to do beautiful things in this world and after you walk through those doors today, you will only ever have two choices: love or fear. Choose love, and don’t ever let fear turn you against your playful heart.