Friday, November 01, 2013

Reasons to Be Happy

Now playing: Wild Child — Crazy Bird (link to song here)
  1. Real friends
  2. Soulmates are real
  3. Good vibrations
  4. Stars always listen
  5. Sunrises
  6. Sunsets
  7. Helping people in need 
  8. You can always make someone smile by telling them how much you appreciate their company, how thankful to have met them and how happy you are that they are alive (Well unless you are a creepy serial killer and you are saying it in a creepy way)
  9. Family vacations
  10. Good memories
  11. Not so good memories (lessons)
  12. Gifts, songs or things that remind you of someone or a good memory
  13. Good music
  14. Adventures
  15. Sleep-in mornings (brownie points if it's raining)
  16. McDonalds' breakfasts
  17. Polaroids
  18. Opportunities
  19. Theme parks
  20. Hot chocolate
  21. Chocolates
  22. Nutella
  23. Nice-smelling flowers
  24. Meeting people that are hard to let go (This is a good sign, having a broken heart. It shows that we have experienced having something that means/meant so much)
  25. Dogs and cats and birds and bees and horses (I don't know why I said 'bees' but I guess they are cute when they don't sting or fly in your face)
  26. The fact that downs will always eventually become ups because life is a roller coaster and that is how roller coasters work
  27. Good books
  28. Amazing authors
  29. You are always part of this universe
  30. Rainy days
  31. Sunny days
  32. People you can count on
  33. Squealing and happy spazzing at crushes 
  34. Songs or quotes that fit your mood/situation perfectly
  35. The ability to just let loose and silly dance around your room
  36. Previous point applies to singing as well, or anything that makes you feel free and comfortable
  37. You are always in control of yourself and your life. You may feel controled and contained, but unless you're in a prison you should be pretty all right. It all boils down to your thinking → actions and words
  38. Occasional rebellion
  39. Kept promises
  40. Hand-written letters
  41. Surprises
  42. Snuggling
  43. Hugs
  44. Jokes
  45. Meeting new friends, making new connections
  46. When one group of your friends meets another and they team up and mock you (I mean, it's so nice that two groups of your friends can get along well enough to 'bully' you)
  47. Random reminders from people you love that they love you
  48. Freedom
  49. When people acknowledge your effort
  50. When people are willing to forgive you
  51. Dates
  52. Meditation
  53. Nice pictures on Tumblr
  54. Amazing song covers on Youtube
  55. Technology advancements
  56. At least one in the 7 billion people on Earth is feeling the same as you are right now
  57. Funny movies
  58. Deep conversations
  59. Funny and easy-going conversations
  60. Comfortable silences
  61. Flirting
  62. You have a roof above your head and have some sort of electronic device advanced enough to read this entry
  63. Food (Children in Africa are dying of hunger)
  64. Music festivals/concerts of your favourite bands
  65. You wouldn't want to not watch this
  66. Real-life stories that remind you that there is kindness in humanity (and there really is)
  67. Dreams
  68. The feeling of openness 
  69. The feeling of awareness and mindfulness
  70. Road trips
  71. Beautiful scenery 
  72. Subway singers
  73. Completely random outbursts of random happiness at 2am (as such)

This list is non-exhaustive.

There are so many reasons to be happy but we often choose to focus on the things that make us bitter. I understand, and I am guilty of it as well. I cry and let myself be sad but then I pick myself back up. It is all in our perception of things, it's all in your mind. Take time to marvel at the good things. Read books. Meditate. You need to realise that the way you are feeling now will not be permanent (bad or good). Nothing is ever too late or too soon, it is when it is supposed to be. Everything happens for a good reason, either a blessing or a lesson. We all yearn for what we have lost. But sometimes, we forget what we have. Look around you, what makes you happy? 

Be happy, be contented, be accepting, be understanding, love will save your soul.

(By the way, I apologise that my past few blog posts were copied-and-pasted-no-brainers hahaha)

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