Sunday, January 12, 2014

Zendagi Migzara

30 Lessons I've learnt from 2013:
  1. Love and kindness is always the way.
  2. Everything is a mind game. Change the way you think, change your life.
  3. Everything still happens for a good reason, if there's no good reason for it, it wouldn't happen. Either a blessing or a lesson.
  4. Accept things the way they are. Only then you can find inner peace and happiness even in the dullest moments.
  5. Hold on to those who never left you. 
  6. Hard times reveal true friends. 
  7. Pain is real, but so is hope.
  8. People judge what they don't understand.
  9. If we aren’t living vulnerably, in connection with others, we aren’t really living at all.
  10. Be the kind of person you want to be friends with. 
  11. Let go of negative people. Surround yourself with who and what you want to be.
  12. Sadness is healthy. Welcome sadness, just don’t let it consume you.
  13. Some loneliness and silence is necessary and healthy. Filling every minute makes it hard to listen to our intuition, or that inner guiding voice.
  14. Spend time alone, reading, writing, art, music and exercise heal you.
  15. Traveling heals.
  16. Nature heals.
  17. Good things take time.
  18. Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a larger intelligence and a deeper heart.
  19. View everything from different perspectives.
  20. Don't bother comparing yourself with people. Be the best version of yourself and stay true to yourself. Many people will love you for that.
  21. Your mother was right about it all, and if she wasn’t, her heart was in the right place.
  22. Feel free to fall, but always be prepared to catch yourself.
  23. All things are difficult before they are easy.
  24. Listen, love, apologise, forgive.
  25. All things are delicately interconnected.
  26. Whatever comes, let it come. What stays, let it stay. What goes, let it go. Let it be.
  27. You will find happiness when you stop hiding.
  28. Always try to be the reason someone smiles. Always help people whenever you can. Small gestures can amount to a lot.
  29. Some things never change.
  30. The best thing you can put on is confidence.

Some of my favourite quotes from 2013:

  • “Find ecstasy within yourself. It is not out there. It is in your innermost flowering. The one you are looking for is you.” — Osho
  • “My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.” — The Dalai Lama
  • Some people think to be strong is to never feel pain. In reality, it’s the strongest people who feel it, understand it, and accept it.
  • What this world needs is a group hug.
  • "You can accept or reject the way you are treated by other people, but until you heal the wounds of your past, you will continue to bleed. You can bandage the bleeding with food, with alcohol, with drugs, with work, with cigarettes, with sex, but eventually, it will all ooze through and stain your life. You must find the strength to open the wounds, stick your hands inside, pull out the core of the pain that is holding you in your past, the memories, and make peace with them." — Iyanla Vanzant  
  • "Experience is a brutal teacher, but you learn. My god, do you learn." — C.S Lewis
  • “The joy is in remembering; the pain is in knowing it was yesterday.” — David Levithan, Every Day
  • Sometimes, when you are not getting the love you want, giving makes you think you will.
  • We assume others show love the same way we do — and if they don't, we worry it's not there.
  • "What touches you is what you touch.” — Margaret Atwood
  • “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” — Theodore Roosevelt
  • "Last night I dreamt, that somebody loved me. No hope no harm, just another false alarm." — The Smiths
  • "This is a good sign, having a broken heart. It means we have tried for something." — Elizabeth Gilbert
  • “Without the dark, we’d never see the stars.”
  • “Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.”
  • When someone is unlovable, that's when they need love most.

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